Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas morning

Merry Christmas! I just wanted to share my favorite pictures of the day. Christmas breakfast is my favorite holiday meal and this year's meal was no exception. We did the majority of the prep last night before midnight mass, so this morning we woke up late and padded in the kitchen with our bed head and our glasses. Relatively little muss or fuss, and no hype -- just good, simple food and coffee.

We had cinnamon sugar brioche (Mark's rendition of his grandmother's famed "coffee cake"), quiche with Gruyere, and to lighten everything a bit ... a beautiful, refreshing citrus and pomegranate salad with mint sugar.

I'll be honest - the fruit salad prep can be a little messy and time-consuming -- you have to peel and section the grapefruits and oranges and if you have a juicy pomegranate the juice will be all over the place -- but the end result is so light and refreshingly juicy. It's totally worth it. I keep wandering back to the refrigerator to get another little bowlful.

And just for fun -- our Pac Man quiche:


Unknown said...

it doesn't look like pacman.

Kim said...

Just jealousy speaking.